
Industry Sponsored Symposia

Thursday, 26 September

Industry Symposium A

Time: 12:45-13:45
Room: Room 5

Cutting Edge Infection Management.
Surgical & Diagnostics


  • Patient related risk factors and optimisation strategies
  • Intra-operative technologies for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infection
  • Reimplantation – what is the gold standard?


  • Dr. Pablo Corona, Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebrón Barcelona, Spain
  • Dr. Daniel Pérez-Prieto, Hospital del Mar- Parc de Salut Mar Barcelona, Spain

Industry Symposium B

Time: 12:45-13:45
Room: Room 6

The use of PerOssal® in complex bone and spinal infections


  • PerOssal®: An additional weapon to fight chronic osteomyelitis
  • Compassionate use of bacteriophages in bone and joint infections – First experience with PerOssal® as carrier material
  • Experience using local antibiotic therapy in spondylodiscitis and postoperative spinal infections
  • Case discussions – Treatment of bone and implant infections


  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Volker Alt, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany (Moderator)
  • Dr. Andrea Sambri, IRCCS azienda ospedaliera universitaria di Bologna, Italy
  • Prof. Dr. med. Markus Rupp, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. med. Michael Rauschmann, Sana Clinic Offenbach, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c Christian Heiß, University Hospital Gießen, Germany

Industry Symposium C

Time: 17:25-18:25
Room: Room 5

Better safe than sorry – ways to support infection prevention with antibiotic-loaded bone cement. 


  • Which patients are at risk for infection?
  • Infection prevention with dual antibiotic-loaded bone cement in patients with a neck femur fracture
  • Use of antibiotic-loaded bone cement in special clinical situations


  • Tristan Ferry, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lyon, France
  • Mike Reed, Wansbeck General Hospital, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
  • Volker Alt, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany

Industry Symposium D

Time: 17:25-18:25
Room: Room 6

Joint symposium

Is there still room for improvement within the interdisciplinary infection management in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of patients with bone & joint infections?


  • Introduction by the Moderator
  • State of the art dianostics for patients with bone & joint infections
  • Understanding of antibiotic (bone) tissue pharmacokinetics
  • Treatment concepts of systemic antibiotic therapy in bone & joint infections with a focus on implant-associated infections
  • Overall discussion and closing remarks


  • Martin Clauss, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland (Moderator)
  • Jaime Esteban, Hôpital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Spain
  • Mats Bue, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
  • Efthymia Giannitsioti, Laiko General Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Friday, 27 September

Industry Symposium E

Time: 12:35-13:35
Room: Room 5

Improving outcomes in complex PJI cases


  • Aggregation of marginal gains in periprosthetic joint infections
  • Optimising Intraoperative Protocols during Periprosthetic Joint Infection Surgery


  • Mr. Pedro Foguet, Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon, Coventry, UK (Moderator)
  • Prof. Lee Jeys, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Birmingham, UK
  • Mr. Abtin Alvand, Consultant Orthopaedic Knee Surgeon, Oxford, UK

Industry Symposium F

Time: 12:35-13:35
Room: Room 6

Definitions and surgical techniques


  • Welcome and Introduction
  • FRI and PJI – Using the definitions
  • The rational of local antibiotics in FRI and PJI
  • CERAMENT® G and CERAMENT® V in FRI, surgical technique
  • CERAMENT® G and CERAMENT® V in PJI, surgical technique
  • Panel discussion and Q&A
  • Take-home messages


  • Ass. Prof. Dr. Daniel Pérez Prieto, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Hospital del Mar/Hospital de l’Esperança, Barcelona, Spain (Moderator)
  • Prof. Martin McNally, Honorary Consultant in Limb Reconstruction Surgery, Oxford Bone Infection Unit, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, UK
  • Dr. Matt Scarborough, Consultant, Infectious Diseases, Microbiology and General Medicine, Oxford Bone Infection Unit, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, UK
  • Mr. Jamie Ferguson, Consultant in Limb Reconstruction Surgery and Trauma, Oxford Bone Infection Unit, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, UK
  • Dr. Sebastian Meller, Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon, Head of Department for Hip Surgery and Implant Related Infections, Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany