Membership categories
The membership of the Society is composed of Ordinary Members, Emeritus Members and Distinguished Members.
Ordinary Members
Individuals active clinically or scientifically in the field of Musculoskeletal Infections (Bone and Joint Infections), showing appropriate experience andtraining in the field, may become Ordinary Members.
The Executive Committee shall confirm that the applicant meets the requirements for membership, with appropriate experience and commitment in the field of Musculoskeletal Infections (Bone and Joint Infections).
If approved, the applicant will be presented to the next General Assembly for approval. Ordinary Members have the right to vote at the General Assembly.
Emeritus Members
Ordinary Members may become Emeritus Members only when they cease their professional activities in Bone and Joint Infections.
Ordinary Members must apply in writing to the Executive Committee for approval. Emeritus Members are exempted from the annual membership fee. They may not become Members of the Executive Committee. Emeritus Members have the right to vote at the General Assembly.
Distinguished Members
On the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the title Distinguished Member may be awarded by the General Assembly.
Distinguished Members are exempted from the annual membership fee and the Congress registration fee. They may not become Members of the Executive Committee. Distinguished Members have the right to vote at the General Assembly.
*Only Ordinary Members are subject to Membership fees